This study was done using the Amplified Bible, which I don't have permission to publish, so I will replace the verses here with the World English Bible (a modernized version of the ASV). Because of that some of the comments may not totally make sense because the AMP has expanded explanations. I would highly recommend going to a site like where you can read the AMP version for free.
Philemon 1:1-4
1 Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon, our beloved fellow worker,
A. Paul the prisoner of Christ. His common greeting in his letters not only because he writes from a literal prison, but also a prisoner of heart to the brother in Colosse. Similar to one full of new love who can't keep his mind from wandering to his beloved. This is the heart of Paul, unable to escape the love of Jesus, day and night longing to be with His King. B. Here says "Timothy, our brother" expressing not the brother of Paul and Philemon (though it could be interpreted in that way), but the brother of Paul and Jesus, another endearing view of Paul toward Christ. He is so in love, and knows Him so well that he even refers to to the letter he writes as being from himself, Timothy, and Jesus. Like the fourth person in the burning furnace of the three young men in Daniel's book.
C. Adam Clarke notes, "...Paul was a prisoner at Rome when he wrote this epistle, and those to the Colossians and Philippians. But some think that the term prisoner does not sufficiently point out the apostle’s state, and that the original word δεσμιος should be translated bound with a chain: this is certainly its meaning; and it shows us in some measure his circumstances - one arm was bound with a chain to the arm of the soldier to whose custody he had been delivered."
2 to the beloved Apphia, to Archippus, our fellow soldier, and to the assembly in your house:
A. Apphia: In certain translations, such as the Alexandrian copy and Latin Vulgate, this is written, "sister Apphia", and it has been suggested that she was the wife of Philemon.B. We know from Colossians 4:17 that Archippus was a minister, and almost certainly one of the leaders of the church in Philemon's home.
3 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
A. Grace and peace, two of the preeminent and over abounding forces in the Kingdom of God.
4 I thank my God always, making mention of you in my prayers,
A. I thank my God, yet another personal and possessive statement from the apostle. What an intense love he had for his God and brother. B. Paul says he always makes mention of them in his prayers. Imagine knowing that the apostle Paul was regularly praying for you! Scripture tells us that Jesus, who is far beyond Paul, is interceding with the the Father for us (Romans 8:34). That should be a very encouraging thought for us.
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