Are you ready for a spirit riddle? Here we go!
There is a young woman we have known for several years go grew up in the church, knows the Bible basics, and is in a Christian family. That being said, she lives with her boyfriend, in fornication, etc.... She knows she is in sin, we know she is in sin, and God knows she is in sin. Why is it a sin to live with and have a sexual relationship with someone you are not married to? The answer is simple:
1. There is no covenant that has taken place. God is a God of covenant and designed marriage to be a covenant between man and woman, even the end of the world ends in a covenant/marriage ceremony (thus the wedding feast and banquet parables and angels crying out in the Gospels and Revelation). Therefore, if God is planning a wedding ceremony for us, it should be natural for a Christian to want to be like their Father.
2. The Bible is clear we are to follow the laws of the land. The law here in Panama, and in the U.S. is that if you have not been married before at least a judge, you aren't married. God set the rulers in place, and honors the laws they place, so if the law says you have to go before a judge to be married, you are in sin if you haven't.
Now that we have clarified my stance on this subject, on to the miraculous!
This young woman living in sin decided that she wanted a baby with her boyfriend. So they started trying for one, but she wasn't getting pregnant. After a while she went to the doctor, got examined, and the doctor gave her the judgment/smiting news any good pharisaical Christian such as myself would think God would bestow upon her. The news?
All of her mysterious lady parts were full of cysts, the doctor said she would never get pregnant.
What was her response to this? She didn't respond the way most Christians do today, which is get angry at God and become an athiest. Instead, she decided to plead her case with Him.
Enter my mother in law, and Karmy. This girl went to my mother in law's house and asked her for prayer for healing of her uterus and other places so she could get pregnant. No way God would do that for a sinner like her, right?
Well, my mother in law and wife prayed for her anyway, and she went to the doctor a few days later for another check up. The doctor told her:
"I don't know how this is possible, but all the cysts have shrunk to half their original size!"
She went back to my family and got prayed for again. About three weeks later (this being two days ago), she went for another check up, and the doctor said,
"Woman, I don't know how it's possible, I can't explain it, but all the cysts are gone and you are two weeks pregnant."
What?! What happened to wrath and judgement? What happened to the earth opening up and swallowing people whole?
Oh, right, there was this thing that happened; it's called the Cross of Calvary where the wrath of God was set on Jesus shoulders and nailed there with His blood and sweat. A thing called grace ran down the grooves of the wood and pooled at the foot of the cross for sinners like us who deserve not one drop.
The result? Not cysts and barrenness, but life.
Is that young woman in sin? Absolutely! Did God break the rules? He broke ours! His mercy goes so far beyond understanding. As J.R.R. Tolkien wrote in The Lord of the Rings, "Do not be so quick to deal out death and judgement."
So what do we do with this? I don't know! I guess get some kind of baby basket full of diapers and such. If God decided she should have a baby who on earth am I to say otherwise? All I do is obey. And as Heidi Baker has said many times, "He is God and I am not."