Greetings Friends and Family,
It has been almost a year since I've written a newsletter and it feels great to be back at it! I just got back from a nine day mission trip to Panama, which was a precursor to moving back there to continue working with YWAM. Karmy and the kids are already in Panama, preparing the way for me to come back so we will have a jump start on things.
During this trip we showed movies every night, prayed for people, and saw God touch many people.
The team also performed multiple dramas and skits, told Bible stories, played softball (which they won), did crafts, and a wide array of other activities. Physically it was a tough trip. All the tents were flooded, some hammocks were soaked, and every one of us was dirty and muddy by the end of it, but it was a life changing experience not only for the Ngobe, but for many of us on the team as well.
Now, those of you who have known me for a while, know that this is not something I do very often, but because of this transition we are in the middle of, and because several people have asked, I feel like it is necessary to make known my families' need for financial support.
As you know, we spent over a decade on the mission field, and as time goes by, prices increase and inflation forces the need for more support.
Our income on average for over five years has been about $600 a month. If you do the math, $340 for housing doesn't leave much for gas, food, baby supplies, and ministry on top of that. Yet, if you have read my newsletters over the years you know that we have always made it work, and we have reached tens of thousands of people in sixteen different nations. That is all because God is faithful to us.
So we are moving back to Panama now. I will be leaving on July 14th, and I want to ask that you would please consider praying supporting us financially as we go. I know it is a big commitment, but it is a partnership, and you can truly make a serious impact on the unreached by partnering with us. There are missionaries and leaders all over the world that have been trained through the ministry Karmy and I have done. And the growth has only grown as we obtain more experience.
We are not asking for any set amount. Whatever God puts in your heart is what we ask. We have had people support us in all kinds of different ways over the years. From $5 to $30 to $100 a month, and yet even $5 a month is enough to make a difference. If you would like to join us as we go on this journey, the information on how to do that will be below, or you can feel free to write me a message at the contact info below that. Thank you so much for your prayers and consideration. If you do decide to support on a monthly basis, please let me know for budgeting purposes.
Donation Info: There are three ways you can donate 1. Online at the following link: In the box asking for an account number please put 9052. 2. By check to the same organization at the following address, please add a note with our account number (9052) with the check: MEI P.O. Box 1311 Fayetteville, AR 72702 All donations are tax deductible, and you will receive a receipt from Mission Enablers. 3. If you are part of Faith Fellowship Lucas you can donate through the church, which is also tax deductible. |
Facebook: Alan Crookham
YouTube: Alan Crookham